Like the other home amenities, above ground pool can be a great source of leisure exercise opportunity as well as enjoyment. It sometimes enchants your home values also. So having an above ground pool is congruent for your living status. But the problems arise during the time of its proper maintenance. When you know how to take care of your ground pool exactly, you will be able to solve the pool problem quickly.
In an above ground pool, you will find a fully functional pool in a downcast; it also more comfortable to put up and remove and save space than the other pools. However, it’s maintaining and cleaning parts too easy as it is dugs in the ground. So to keep swimmers safe or give them overall better bathing, you need to do some brushing, skimming and vacuuming the above ground pool. Though it sometimes depends on your living atmosphere, mainly cleaning, filtering, and water testing, you also need to take care of the ground pool.
Pump and filtering system
It is called that pump and filter help your pool water clean and the hart of the ground pool maintenance program. Pumps supply power to circulate the water and push it through the filter. If you sun pool pump for 8 hours per day, it means every drop of water spreads and circulates through the filter within eight hours. It is best if you run your pool pump for 8-10 hours a day. For moving water around, the perimeter is also essential for your pool. The velocity makes it harder to hold bacteria and algae in the water, leading to more debris in your skimmer where your filter can capture it. You should adjust the eyeball jets to move the pool water in a circular motion.
Filtering System
To keep well your above ground pool, you should consider maintaining a proper filtering system. It is very impotent because it removes both visible debris and microscopic particles. You may use Sand or D.E. filters that clean in backwashing mood when the filter’s pressure gauge point out levels 8 to 10 lbs. Besides, the cartridge filter can clean and wash the pool water by using a more comfortable garden hose and cost less.
Test regularly:
Test your pool water regularly. It should be at least three times per week. And you can know about how bathers load effect of rain or sun and chemical relevance influence in your pool water. There are two key factors; pH and sanitizer that will make you ensure to get crystal clear water in all seasons. It is better if you use a digital test strip reader; use either ph Reducer or pH increaser to maintain pH at the proper level. When the pH is outside 7.2 to 7.6, then it will reduce the effectiveness of pool chemicals to a great extent. A digital test strip reader will make this quicker and more comfortable.
The vacuum is the essential component of pool maintenances. Dead algae, debris, bacteria, and all kinds of dirt put down the bottom of the pool water so that the only vacuum can save your pool from the distraction. Brush and vacuum once a week to the pool walls and floor, even you can use an automatic above ground pool cleaner.
The pool wells need more care as well as the water inside of them. Avoid letting the guest sit on the edge of the top rail of the pool, cause damage and crease, or side cracks.
Apply chlorine tablets
Use chlorine tablets in the above ground pool that is the most common sanitizer. This tablet keeps your water clean and removes bacteria because it dissolves slowly and continuously releases free chlorine into the water. Chlorine also comes in sticks and grains. It also supplies stable chlorine, which is processed to protect from the harmful rays of the sun. Another way, it makes the chemical long-lasting and works more effectively.
Remove Algae
Green water or algae are common problems that are most disturbing to pool owners.
If algae are visible, then use multiple chemicals to the pool. This is not surprising since no one wants to see black, green, or yellow fudge grow in their pool. Even algae are not harmful, but cause to grow bacteria in the pool. Algae produce the waste that they exchange into food from sunlight. You should check to make sure the chemical levels required by pool water. So you can use algaecide that is another preventative measure. It helps you to protect from all kinds of algae. You can use algaecide at least weekly to reduce algae growth. To get rid of algae, use a robotic pool cleaner like the Aquabot Spirit that allows you to clean dirt and algae. It comes with dual filter bags that help you clean more debris and easy to maintain.
In-Season Care
You are cleaning your pool regularly, but some times it needs more task-based in a different season. Daily maintenance involves running the pump above ground pool and checks your pH and chlorine levels that inspect skimmers and baskets every day.
Some work only must be done weekly, like using an automatic pool cleaner to empty your pool. Also, check the alkaline level, and add more algae chlorine.
A few jobs must be done once per month. Applying electric shock for the water ability is includes in the monthly task. Also, test the cyan uric acid and calcium hardness levels.
Closing Your Swimming Pool
When the weather gets too cold for swimming, it’s time to close above ground pool until the next swimming season. So you have to take some steps. Start by running your pool vacuum or one more time to suck the loose debris and dead algae. Then, you can throw away the cleaner with a ladder, also chlorine filters, and any pool toy.
Make sure the water is clean and balance before closing the pool. So you should check the alkaline, pH, and calcium hardness level. It is not needed the pump out until nest season. It is better to follow the pump manufacturer’s instructions.
When you make sure about proper water chemical balance and other things, put on the cover.
Follow a Maintenance Checklist at a glance:
- Test the pH level. Make sure it’s between 7.4 and 7.6.
- Test the chlorine level; it should be between 2.0 and 4.0 ppm.
- Run the pool filter for 12 to 18 hours.
- Check the water level, which should be around mid-skimmer.
- Empty the skimmer and pump baskets.
- Check filter pressure and pump operation.
- Test total alkalinity to ensure it’s between 80 and 120 ppm.
- Add chlorine tablets.
- Skim the surface of the water
- Vacuum and brush the pool.
- Use with algaecide, clarifier, and metal control.
- Clean the pool deck and surrounding area.
It is not much accessible to maintenances round above ground swimming pool if you follow all of these things. So stay with us and make your life easy.