a sweet start

vanilla bake shop
vegan marshmallows
Hope you’re having a great start of the week! 
I finished my exams, well almost, I’m waiting for the results to breathe easy, but now it’s time for summer holiday! Also, I’m gonna change the look of the blog again, because now I think it looks like a potato sack…maybe I’ll get it right this time…
*click on the photos for the actual source, all found via misswallflower*
  1. Glad to hear your exams are over. 🙂 What a sweet way to start th week! Have a great one, Nookie! xo

  2. Those look really delicious! I`m glad to hear that your exams are over and I`m sure that everything is gonna be alright. I know how is to wait! I`m also waiting for 2 results but I`m not worried. I`m curious if is 9 or 10 :)) I think this semester was the easiest of all.

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