Decorating With Rugs

If you have rooms that lack a certain amount of excitement and pizzazz, decorating with rugs is a simple solution to those problems. There’s a huge selection you should really take a look at in Overstock because a rug can really tie a room together in ways that other home decoration items cannot. It provides a room with a much needed anchor and gives a homeowner a chance to make a purchase that matches with the rest of their decor. Let’s take a closer look at how a rug can be best used in your home:
Defining Areas
Rugs are a useful tool for defining a number of different areas within the house. This is especially useful for those who live in smaller apartments and those with homes that are made of larger rooms which require greater definition. If you are going to use more than one rug in the same area, then be sure that they are not the same size, as this will serve to visually cut the room in half.
Match The Patterns
Using more than one rug? Firstly, they should match with your home’s existing design and decor schemes. Too many differing patterns can have a jarring effect. Secondly, the rugs themselves should also have patterns that match. Ones that feature too many motifs take away from your home’s sense of stylistic harmony. 
Changing The Tenor Of A Room
Rugs provide homeowners with the chance to completely change the tenor of a room in one fell swoop. If a space needs to become quieter from a visual standpoint, then a rug with a more subtle pattern will do the trick quite nicely. On the flip side of the equation, a subdued upholstery scheme could benefit from the addition of a more colorful rug, which will spice things up a bit. The rug can also become the focal point of the room and you can create a sense of contrast by repainting the walls. 
Browse Different Shapes and Sizes
You do not have to select a rug that is a simple rectangle. Instead of choosing the same design as everyone else, let your furniture arrangement dictate the shape that you select. You might be surprised at how many different choices there are available, including ovals, squares and round. You should also subtract at least three feet from the room’s length and width if you are purchasing a rug that is meant to cover the majority of the space. 
Buy A Rug Liner
While some will try to get away without purchasing a rug liner, they are an invaluable tool when it comes to keeping your rug from continuously creeping and slipping. When choosing one, it must be the right size to match the carpet you’ve selected. Otherwise, the rug will end up sliding over to the wrong side of the room.