7 Splendid kitchens that prove pink can be the perfect color for this space

Usually a color that you can find in a bedroom or in your closet space, pink is now that dreamy shade that you can find anywhere in your home, even in your kitchen. It’s fancy, a little bit retro and brings a calm vibe anywhere and these are just some of the motifs that will make you love this beautiful color in your kitchen space. Therefore, here are seven interiors that will convince you pink is a gorgeous shade:


1. The pretty pink tiles

If you have a lot of copper kitchen utensils and dishes, or a lot of gold, grey or silver elements you can add a touch of pink in your lovely kitchen. So pick pink for the tiles and add them next to your sink or dreamy kitchen cabinets.

2. The fancy cabinets

Pink cabinets work wonders with a marble counter top and some silver door handles. This kitchen looks so elegant that you will think a lot about choosing this dreamy and relaxing shade for this space.


3. Paris chic

If you want your kitchen looking like a French bistro, you can add elegant dining chairs and paint your walls in a dreamy shade of pink. Don’t forget the lovely dishes and the roses that match them.

4. Happy bistro day

Paint your old chairs in a darling shade of pink and you’ll see that your kitchen will get an instant modern vibe. Pair this combo with cactuses and colorful details like kitchen towels and you will have a Californian vibe into your kitchen space.

5. Modern corner

Mix pink with green plants and neutral minimalistic object and you will fall in love with your modern kitchen. For a cooler vibe, add artistic framed photos all around this splendid interior.

6. The new classic

You can also pick pink for a traditional kitchen. So, choose it for your kitchen cabinets and add dreamy peonies all around the space. Moreover, add pink plates or bowls around the room to make pink the star of the space.

7. Eclectic spirit

In a pink cabinet add all sorts of souvenir dishes and colorful plates and you’ll love the result. Add also a lot of green plants and you will have an eclectic kitchen that will pop out in your home.


Source: Cover & Main // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7

  1. Hi, i love the pink, could you tell me what paint Brands and cOlors. I want to paint mY Living room pink, you cOlors are so Lovely. Thank you.

    Judy Mearing

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