1. those large canvases in the first photo are absolutely devine! Beautiful post.

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM PHOTOS!!! That would be my house…. I love to paint, but do not any more… Have a Great Day !!! Love that curtain…

  3. Oh, her home is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! Such a great find. xo

  4. I've adored Carolyn Quartermaine's designs since I first came across them a little while ago, and these photos just seem more lovely every time I see them.

    By the way, your blog is STUNNING! So exquisite and inspiring 🙂

    Hugs from your fan in Paris xx

    Camille @ Paris in Pink

  5. Thanks so much for posting these! I love Carolyn Quartemaine's work. She creates such incredible interior installations/arrangements – each space is a work of art!
    I love her use of color, pattern, and materials, and as an decorative painter have always found her work inspirational and informative.
    Thank you for the lovely blog!

  6. wow, it is so beautiful. I've blogged about her work but i have never seen so many images of her home. thanks for posting

  7. Artists have the most amazing homes, usually chock full of color and paint brushes, tableaus half finished everywhere.

    My friend from Buenos Aires /Montreal , P.Poulin's studio and home is always intersting to see. You gave me a brilliant idea, I should photograph it!

    Elena @ ideainteriors.blogspot.com

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